Top 10 Tips for Writing a Successful Resume

Here are the top 10 resume writing tips that are necessary to be successful in getting a job interview. To learn about the top 10 resume writing mistakes, click here.

1.    Include your LinkedIn or professional website.

This should be listed in your contact information under your name. Be sure to have your LinkedIn profile updated and matching the type of jobs you are applying for. Read our blog about whether or not to include your picture on your resume and if you should have a LinkedIn page- Click here.


2.    Have a skills driven headline at the top of the resume.

Use 1 or 2 keywords that include your skills to describe your specialty. For example: Media and Public Relations Specialist.


3.    List 4-8 transferable and hard skills.

List at least 4 skills but no more than 8 at the top of the resume under the headline. Do not list soft skills on your resume.


4.    Tailor your resume to each job posting.

Look at the job description and determine which skills you have within their job description. List those at the top of your resume.


5.    List degrees, languages, technologies, and industries.

Include these after your skills list and before your work history section.


6.    Lead with job titles in the work history.

Recruiters are looking at job titles and want to see progression within your career and that you have grown with each job.


7.    List 3-5 bullet points for each work experience.

Make sure to use quantifiable accomplishments with an active and descriptive leading word. For example, posted 5 blogs a week.


8.    Include additional experience in a separate section.

This includes published works, speaking engagements, certifications, leadership positions, scholarships and awards, associations or professional memberships, a full skills list, volunteering, or unrelated work experience.


9.    Keep the formatting simple.

Use a word processor such as Microsoft word or Pages to write your resume. Use simple fonts such as Aerial or Calibri and stick to a 1 column resume format. Don’t include complex symbols as the applicant tracking system (ATS) can flag them and throw out your resume.


10.  Include white space on your resume.

Your resume should be easy to read. Having too much verbiage will make it hard for the recruiter and hiring team to quickly find the information. Make your resume precise and concise.