What is the Onboarding Process

What is the onboarding process? Your first 90 days on the job are super important as it sets the stage for what kind of employee you will be for the company. Onboarding is the process of introducing a newly hired employee into an organization and teaching them everything they need to know and bringing them up to speed quickly. A lot of companies can’t afford to do this or do it poorly, and therefore, you should take responsibility to onboard yourself and learn what you need to in order to excel in your new job.

Onboarding Steps:

  1. Establish Yourself.
  • Meet everyone and learn who they are.
  1. Make a list of what you need to learn.
  • Company culture: What do they believe? How do they operate?
  • Tasks to be executed.
  • Industry Lingo.
  1. Understand your role.
  • Make a list of all of your core tasks.
  • How do your core tasks save or make the company money?
  1. Set up a communication strategy with your manager.
  • How often does your boss want to connect?
  • How should you update them on your progress?
  • What type of problems do they want you to handle and what type of problems does your manager need to give you input on?
  1. Understand your team’s strengths.
  • Identify what your team members need from you to make their job easier.
  • What is the best way to communicate with them?
  1. Track your growth.
  • Keep track of your accomplishments.
  1. Identify ways to add value.
  • Identify problems that need to be solved and offer solutions to those problems to your manager.
  • Tackle these problems only after you master your core tasks and have time to work on additional problems.
  1. Present milestones or accomplishments.
  • Present to your manager your 30-day accomplishments and your plan for the next 30-day goals.
  • This will open up discussions of what they expect at of you for the next month.
  1. Showcase your team member’s contributions.
  • Praise their strengths directly to them and give credit during meetings.
  1. Seek Feedback.
  • Ask for feedback on what you can do better.
    • Pick 3 people: your manager, someone neutral, and someone who you think doesn’t like you. Ask them how they think others view you and how you can improve.
    • Incorporate any feedback into your learning plan and share with your manager.

Next Blog: Communication Strategy with Manager