Following Up After An Interview

Follow up after an interview by sending an email by the end of the day or within 24 hours thanking them for interviewing.

·        “Thank you for the opportunity to interview for _____ position. I really enjoyed speaking to you about XYZ. I’m looking forward to the next steps in the process. Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide you for my candidacy.”

·        Send personalize thank you notes to every person you met on the interview

·        Be quick in sending thank you via email.

·        You can also follow up with a hand written note in the mail if you want to. This is slower so make sure you send the email so they have a quick note.


Follow up with them on their decision if you have not heard from them after the date they said they were expecting to make their decision

·        “I want to check in to see if there is anything else I can do to further my candidacy. I am very interested in the job. Please let me know.”

·        Keep it short and do not try to sell yourself.


Wait one full week

·        If you haven’t heard you can follow up via phone.


Wait one more full week

·        Send 1 more email and again keep it short.


Helpful tip: never follow up on a Monday, people are recovering from weekend and getting back into their schedules. Follow up on a Tuesday.

We offer digital thank you for interview card templates at our Etsy Page.