Salary Negotiation Tips

Salary Negotiation Tips

When you should NOT negotiate salary.

Company tells you up front the salary is non-negotiationable.

If you are a current employee and want a raise then do not ask if it is bad timing for the company. An example of this is if they are losing money and especially if they made it public to the employees. You will look like you don’t care about the company or that you don’t listen well if you try to negotiate salary during these circumstances.


Salary negotiation after offer letter.

Send a thank you to everyone you met or negotiated with at the job interview and let them know you are happy and excited to be joining. They need to hear that you are happy with your job offer.


Current employer counter offer to leaving company.

If you are leaving your current job and your current employer offers you a counter amount of money when you quit, do NOT accept it. They are losing money when they are losing you and they are throwing money at their immediate problem because you caught them off guard. But as soon as they find a replacement and trained them, they will let you go 6 months later. Once you made the final decision to leave your current employer and you have given notice, you need to leave and move on.

We provided here salary negotiation tips but if you need more help on how to do salary negotiation at a job interview? Our salary negotiation guide teaches you how to determine what your asking salary should be going into the job interview, walks you through what to say when negotiating salary, and how to follow up with a counter offer.

Read our blog on the top 20 common interview questions.

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