Sample Interview Questions and Answers

Learn how to answer 3 basic job interview questions. Worried about how to address weaknesses for your job interview? Below are 3 sample interview questions and answers.

Job Interview Question 1: Why are you leaving your current position?

Job Interview Answer 1:

They already know that you are not happy at your current position or you wouldn’t have accepted the interview. What they are actually asking is: How is their job going to make you stronger and better? How are you looking to grow? You want to say something along the lines of: I’m seeking an employer where I can increase my value and my skill set. Tie your needs to grow your skill set with being more valuable to the employer. Do your homework and build a connection between your growth goals and them.

Ex: I am looking to increase my skill set and the current position I am in does not do that type of work.

Ex: I am ready for the next step in my career which is to do ‘XYZ’.

Job Interview Question 2: What are your weaknesses?

Job Interview Answer 2:

Be able to list 3 weaknesses. Look at the job posting/description- What skills do you NOT have? Say those ones and that you want to learn them. Another way to look at this is to rank the skills on their job posting. Pick the bottom ones. And of course don’t pick an essential skill on the list.

Job Interview Question 3: Tell me about yourself.

Job Interview Answer 3:

Describe your story in a way that is relevant to the position. Answer the 3 questions below in order:

  1. How did you come to be interested in this type of role?
  2. What have you done?
  3. What do you want to do next?

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