How to Head Cover Letter

How to head cover letter?

·        Write your name first, large and bolded. Font size (16-18pt).

·        The rest of the header will be normal font size (11-12 pt) and not bolded.

·        Write your location but do not put your actual address.

·        Write your contact information.

·        2 spaces.

·        Date.

·        1 space.

·        The hiring person’s name.

·        The hiring person’s address.

·        2 spaces. You can adjust any of the spaces later to make sure that the last paragraph on the page fits on the page and doesn’t go over into the next page.

·        Dear hiring person’s name,


How to address cover letter?

·        Do not use the generic ‘To whom it may concern’.

·        Use dear hiring team or the actual name of the person.

·        To find the name of the hiring person, you can call up HR or try to find it on LinkedIn or maybe it is in the job posting. Do a little bit of digging. If you can’t find it then use ‘Dear hiring team’.