What is an Email Signature

What is an email signature?

An email signature is a block of information that includes text, links and images that goes at the end of every email. It includes your job title, contact and any information that you want to present. It can be used for your personal brand or marketing and include links to websites. 


Why is an email signature important?

It’s important to make it easy for people to contact you in other ways than your email and to find more information about you or your services. You can put it all in one place right after your email. It is a great opportunity to market yourself or your business. Adding your logo, branding or websites makes you look professional and credible whether you represent just yourself or a business. This information can be typed out or uploaded in as an image that you store in your email’s setting. It’s automatically place at the end of every email saving you time from having to rewrite it in every email.


What information to include on your email signature?

Your email signature often includes your name, job title and contact information. It can also include your picture or an image of your business and links to websites such as your LinkedIn page or business. If you use social media to market your business, you can include those links as well.

Check out our Canva email signature templates at our Etsy Shop